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Wow Me Poster Series


Client: Four Peaks Brewing Co.

Services:​ Illustration

CD: Erin Schultz

Year: 2021-2022

Four Peaks Brewing Company is a craft brewery in Tempe, Arizona with 26 years of brewing-excellence under their belt. One of their newer beers, The Joy Bus Wow Wheat, a lighter, citrusy beer, was created in partnership with local charity, The Joy Bus. Their mission is to relieve the daily struggles of cancer patients through food, friends, and music. Four Peaks fans have contributed so much to the cause, so with this series, the ask was to showcase the fans, making them the center of the series.


In the crowded and ever-exciting beverage industry, beer is losing market share to other, newer drinks. Consumers increasingly view beer as their parent's drink, as breweries fail to attract and connect with a younger audience. The Joy Bus Wow Wheat targets a younger generation of beer-drinkers and their Wow Me program highlights the charitable effects of the beer. With these initiatives, Four Peaks wants to be that missing link.


To attract and connect with a younger audience, it was imperative that this audience, narrowed in on music-lovers, could see themselves in the advertisements. Not their parents, but them being their true, most passionate selves. To do so, Four Peaks wanted the music-loving Wow fans to feel like the heroes of the campaign. 

My Strategy

Using the Wow brand colors to create all the illustrations maintained the look & feel of the brand, building brand recognition and allowing consumers to connect with the brand. 

Additionally, there are a multitude of tools and collateral the brewery uses to advertise from bottle neck hangers to social media posts. This made it important to compose all the artwork to the sides of the frame to allow the art to be versatile and easily resizable, and look good at any dimensional resize.

My Solution

To learn more about The Joy Bus, please visit their website

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